Archive For 2023
IWORK4ME is delighted to have received an award of £1,500 from The Inchyre Trust in support of our work. (Dec 2023)
IWORK4ME is delighted to have received an award of £3,000 from Souter Charitable Trust in support of our work. (Oct 2023)
IWORK4ME is delighted to have received an award of £3,000 from The Maple Trust in support of our work. (Sept 2023)
IWORK4ME is delighted to have received an award of £24,000 from Bank of Scotland Foundation in support of our work. (August 2023)
IWORK4ME is delighted to have received an award of £2,000 from Thistledown Trust in support of our work. (July 2023)
IWORK4ME is delighted to have received an award of £2,600 from The Leathersellers’ Foundation in support of our work. (May 2023)
IWORK4ME is delighted to have received an award of £2,000 from The Lady Marian Gibson Trust in support of our work. (May 2023)
IWORK4ME is delighted to have received an award of £1,000 from the Sir Iain Stewart Foundation in support of our work. (May 2023)
IWORK4ME is delighted to have received an award of £2,000 from the Tay Charitable Trust in support of our work. (April 2023)